You want to be a writer but...
The reality is there's never the time, the quiet, the vacant spot - you set aside Sunday but something interrupts – you organise a friend's flat for the day and the dog gets sick. And when you do get to write, your heart sings, you sit down – and you block
You block and you block and...
You can't get out of it and there's this script you're determined to write but you're stuck and in any case it's terrible and you can't afford a Writers' Retreat - on and on and what you want is what REAL writers have, which is quiet and money and hotel rooms and endless time and drinks after seven.
Actually, no...
Professional writers have children and work and dogs that get sick and toilets that block but they cope and they write. Under pressure, to crazy deadlines, often on several jobs at a time because there's a technique to it, and it's one you could learn.
You could learn it, write well, write fast. In the train, in the car during the children's music lesson, in any small pocket of time. It can help you with blocking. It can give you insights into your personal story process.
It can stun you with your own unexpected imaginative strength, and with that of course, comes confidence, resilience - and you on the first step to picking up jobs like the pros.